Tag mental health

How to practice gratitude

How to Practice Gratitude

How to practice gratitude :- I have been thinking about how to practice gratitude lately with everything going on with me. Recently, I had to put creating content particularly for my podcast on hold because I felt I wasn’t in…

Checkin In

Checkin In

Checkin In:- A lot has happened since the last time I was here but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t thinking about you as often as I could and that’s why I’m checking in. I contemplated lots of times coming to…


9 Self – Care Habits

Self-Care Habits Being successful or being good at something comes with a lot of responsibility that most times we forget what it means to take care of ourselves. Taking time to cultivate self-care habits helps us to take time to…

Coping with COVID - 19

Coping with COVID – 19

Coping with COVID – 19? If you’re like me who live in a country or state where the lockdown is ongoing, you probably spend your day shuttling between your bed and the kitchen. My bed because that is technically my…