The Acquaintance who was also a friend:-
I think about her from time to time…
The acquaintance, who was also a friend, suddenly dropped off the face of the earth.
I wonder about you from time to time; different questions come to mind.
What are you doing?
Where are you?
Is she alright?
Why did she leave when everything was just kicking off?
All of these questions but no answer.
I visit your social media pages to check for updates but nothing, sent messages but no reply.
Sometimes, I ask why is no one saying anything or asking about your whereabouts.
Is like you ceased to exist and the world didn’t even stop to notice.
I sometimes convince myself that the people who need to know about the nitty-gritty of your life are in the know and that you’re fine and thriving wherever you’re; that it’s okay for people like us who hardly know you to be left to wonder since we’re looking from the outside.
This very thought is consoling, but I still wonder about you.
I’m thinking about you today again and I really do hope you’re fine and thriving wherever you’re.
If you made it to the end of this post, don’t forget to check out my previous post titled “Laying 2021 to rest” here and listen to episodes from my podcast here.