Life Update:-

An update on life update is well overdue but I haven’t just gotten the time to sit down and write one.
If I remember correctly, the last time I wrote a life update post was October last year.
I would say we should dive into but there’s isn’t much to dive into.
Amidst, the ongoing pandemic you can say that things have been dry on this side.
However, here are some few life updates.
- Dating
- Work
- Faith
- Quarantine Period
- Youtube Channel
- Podcast.
- What I have learnt so far.
Truthfully, I’m genuinely tired about this update because it seems like nothing is happening which can sometimes be frustrating.
One of my cousin introduced a guy to me and for some reasons I thought he was the one…. The guy was introduced to me last year october and in december 2019 I already deleted his number and blocked him.
I just couldn’t handle the lies, insincerity and his instability.
There’s nothing more nauseating than a guy who doesn’t know what he wants.
Howbiet, the questions from my parent and some unsolicited advice are still coming, I understand that its from a place of care so I have learnt to handle it.
We Move.
My work life has definitely been awesome.
I currently enjoy where I work even though I’m always looking for more money which means I’m always looking out for opportunities or side gigs that bring in extra cash.
During the lock-down, I started learning two new languages (Korean & French) and also picked up some new interest in Photoshop and design.
It’s been quite hard trying to juggle everything with work but I try to make room when I can.
A lot of growth has been going on and I’m always thankful for podcast messages from Steven Furtick & Joseph Prince.
The lock-down also afforded me the opportunity to fully delve and enjoy the Bible app.
I have always had it and used it once a while but I have thoroughly been enjoying the plans and the stories that come in the form of devotionals.
The experience with the Bible app have been life changing.
Quarantine Period
The lock-down was particularly a difficult period for me. Apart, from the fact that we had to take a pay-cut at work. I had a lot of anxiety issues, I struggled with my plans for the year, wondered if and how and when it will happen.
Thankfully, I was able to discuss some of this issues with my cell fellowship member and leaders and talking with them really helped.
Youtube Channel
I started my YouTube channel during the lock-down and its been quite a journey. There’s still so much to learn and figure out but the ideas are coming so I am learning to take note.
There are lots of equipment that I need, another thing I’m trying to figure out is location for shooting my content particularly when I have guest but right now I’m using my phone and taking it from there.
check out my YouTube channel here and please don’t forget to subscribe.
If you have been an advent listener of my podcast, you know we had so much fun with the episodes in Season 1. We currently in a new season and so far we are 7 episodes in.
I have so much plans for the podcast and my youtube channel but I’m learning to take them one by one, not to get anxious about the journey and learn to enjoy the process.
Catch up on all the episodes here
What I have Learnt so far
For a lot of people, I would say with the help of the Coronavirus a lot of things have been put in perspective and even though I believe that 2020 shouldn’t be write off just yet… the lessons I have learnt so far are taking each day as it comes.
The rush to know what happens next and how to plan and be in control of things can be a really good driving force but I believe its more important to take one day at a time.
A few pictures from the last couple of months
Phew! I know the update wasn’t as juicy as you would have expected but the past couple of month hasn’t been quite busy except with work.
Well, if you made it this far, you can as well tell me some life updates about you and don’t forget to check out my other post on making and keeping friends here.
I will be in the comment waiting for you

[…] If you made it this far, don’t forget to check my other post on life updates here. […]