9 Self – Care Habits

Self-Care Habits

Being successful or being good at something comes with a lot of responsibility that most times we forget what it means to take care of ourselves.

Taking time to cultivate self-care habits helps us to take time to reflect and smell the roses without feeling like the weight of the world is on us.

What is self-care?
Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health.

9 Self – Care Habits

1 – Looking After Your Body

Self-care starts with consciously looking after your body. Depending on how you have treated your body in the past or paid attention to it. It could just be a little exercise here and there, binging on your favourite movies and series on Netflix and most times it can be as simple as exfoliating and using essential oils to pamper your skin.

Your body will love you for it.

2 – Alone Time

Spending some alone time whether as an introvert or extrovert can help us to recharge ourselves and keep us rejuvenated.  Alone times are literally a blessing in disguise cos they serve as times when we are able to see things clearly, sometimes come up with new and fresh ideas on what to do next and most times gives us room to be grateful.

3 – Reward Yourself

This is one self-care routine I plan to inculcate. Rewarding oneself is a very big deal and a lot of us take it for granted particularly after a job well done. Giving yourself tangible rewards means that you appreciate yourself, that you are making a deliberate effort to build your self-worth.

Tell yourself  I’m deserving of good things’

4 – Self Care Should Be Like Any Other Appointment

If you are familiar with the popular series insecure, you would notice how Molly & Issa have dedicated their Sundays to ‘self-care Sundays’, this literally means our self-care routine should be treated as an appointment that way we can make a deliberate effort to take care of our mental and physical state.

5 – The Value Of The Word ‘No’

There’s a power in saying NO and it’s okay to wield that power as long as it brings you happiness. There’s also a power in saying YES but nobody wants to be the yes man especially if it no longer serves you.

A lot of time we say yes to a lot of things because we don’t want to the other person and while we should be considerate of other people’s feelings we should also be considerate of ours too.

‘No’ is a word you need to become comfortable with saying. Because often when you say ‘no’ to others, you’re saying ‘yes’ to yourself. You’re saying yes to giving yourself extra time, to putting yourself first and to putting your priorities first.

It’s okay to say ‘no’.

7 – Connects With Friends & Family

Life with all its pressures can be so daunting that we often forget to reach out to our loved ones. It’s important that when we make self-care a priority we take time to connect with those we love by making them a priority.

We need to find time to attend networking event, give room to meet new people, step out of our comfort zones from time to time so as to give room for expansion and growth in our lives and businesses.

8 – Lets Negativity Go

Make no room for bad energy.

Just like the Nigerian musician sang ‘bad energy stay far away’, we should make sure it becomes our mantra. I’m learning that I can’t control everything and for most of the time, things might not go the way I want them to and so I’m learning that that is also okay because wanting to be in control or wanting things to go our way can lead to attracting some bad energy or negativity when they don’t do our way.

Let go of the negativity and leave room for positive growth towards your mental and emotional space.

9 – Gratitude

Be thankful for how far you have come. Have a thanksgiving journal, write down how far you have come, where you’re now and be grateful for everything.

Personally, I throw in a couple of praise and worship songs, some dancing and screaming off the top of my voice just to show how grateful I am. It’s one of the ways I ward off the bad energy.

Find something to do that will cause you to reflect and be thankful on how far you have come and soon it will become a habit that leads to a lifestyle.

If you got to the bottom… hooray. Don’t forget to check out my other post on ‘How to motivate the shit out of yourself here   


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Megan Rae
4 years ago

love these and alone time is so important! i remember when i worked on a summer camp i was always with people, my bosses recommended having ‘alone days’ every now and then on a day off and they were needed far more than i realised! ✨

Josie D.
4 years ago

These are really good helpful tips!! Learning to say no has been so hard for me in the past but little by little I am gaining enough confidence to say no and block all negative energy that is not good for my health! Thanks for sharing !


[…] Memorable Quotes from Anne with an E I know I recently did a post on lessons I learnt from Anne with an E which you can find here but then I decided to do another post on memorable quotes from Anne with an E that stuck with me all through the series. I hope you find it meaningful and I hope it sticks with you if you’re yet to check out the series do so now on Netflix. Winifred Rose: “The best part of knowing the rules is finding acceptable ways of breaking them.” Anne: “I like imagining better than remembering.” Anne Shirley-Cuthbert: “It’s funny how people are so quick to point out differences when there are so many ways we’re all alike.” Anne: “Dreamers change the world” Anne Shirley-Cuthbert: “To bring it into daylight, and realize nightmares aren’t so scary without the protection of the dark.” Jane Eyre: ‘If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, but your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends. Anne Shirley-Cuthbert: “Sometimes life hides gifts in the darkest of places Marilla: “It’s a powerful thing to have done someone wrong when you truly didn’t intend it.” Muriel Stacy: “Love is not quantifiable, and therefore not finite.” Anne: “It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy something if you make up your mind firmly that you will” Josephine Barry: “Grief is the price you pay for love, you see. So, it’s alright.” Anne: “All we can do is our best […], regardless of what we know or don’t know. Ms Stacy: “Sound journalism must defend the voiceless, not send them further into silence.” “Love doesn’t look the same for everyone. It can come in so many forms. And how can there be anything wrong with a life if it’s spent with a person you love?” Aunt Josephine: “You have a life of such joy before you. Not without hardship. Not without bumps in the road. Be safe with those you trust. But when you do find people to trust, the bond will be that much greater.” Anne Shirley-Cuthbert: “I’m not unlucky, I’m “Most Unusual” Sebastian Lacroix: “Attraction – yes, it’s important. But love… that’s what truly matters.” Anne: “Perspective is wonderful” Miss Stacey: “You can’t know joy unless you’ve known sorrow. Those of us who can soar to the highest heights can also plunge to the deepest depths” Anne: “It’s not what the world holds for you, it is what you bring to it. ” Anne: “My life is a perfect graveyard of a buried hopes “ It’s not what the world holds for you, it’s what you bring to it Anne: “Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn.” Anne: “Why must people kneel down to pray? If I really wanted to pray, I’ll tell you what I’d do. I’d go into a great big field, all alone, or into the deep, deep woods, and I’d look up into the sky, up-up-up, into that lovely blue sky without end, and I would just feel a prayer.” Madam Lyudmila: “You don’t need a third eye, not when you have your own two.” Anne: “Wouldn’t it be lovely to be a blossom.” I think broken things have such a sad beauty Anne: “I solemnly swear to be faithful to my bosom friend, Diana Barry, for as long as the sun and moon shall endure.” Anne: “I’m loved now, but when I wasn’t, it didn’t mean I wasn’t worthy of it.” Diana Barry: “A morning can start off like any other but by nightfall… things have occurred that could change a course forever.” Sebastian: “Attraction – yes, it’s important. But love… that’s what truly matters.” Ms Stacy: “In order for big, new ideas to take hold, they must be carefully planned and flawlessly executed.” Anne: “You are a sight for sore eyes” Marilla: “The more I held her back, the less I was included.” Anne Shirley: “I guess love doesn’t conquer all.” Anne: “If you have big ideas, You have to use Big Words to express them haven’t you?” . “Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing.” “Life is worth living as long as there’s a laugh in it True friends are always together in spirit.” It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.” “You have a life of such joy before you. Not without hardship. Not without bumps in the road. Be safe with those you trust. But when you do find people to trust, the bond will be that much greater.” —Aunt Josephine “It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy something if you make up your mind firmly that you will. Of course, you must make up your mind firmly. I’ve made up my mind to enjoy this drive” —Anne Shirley It’s not what the world holds for you, it is what you bring to it. ” —Anne Shirley “Isn’t it amazing how every day can be an adventure!” —Anne Shirley “Isn’t it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive–it’s such an interesting world. It wouldn’t be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There’d be no scope for imagination then, would there?” —Anne I’m loved now, but when I wasn’t, it didn’t mean I wasn’t worthy of it.” —Anne Shirley “I have the following thoughts to offer, first, you can get married any time in your life if you choose to do so. And two: if you choose a career, you can buy a white dress yourself, have it made to order, and wear it whenever you want.” —Aunt Josephine “I look forward to never minding what you say again.” —Anne Shirley “I reckon every new idea was modern once until it wasn’t.” —Matthew Cuthbert If you got to the bottom… hooray. Don’t forget to check out my other post on ‘9 Self Care Habits’  here […]

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