Ever Been Jealous of a Friend?

Ever Been Jealous of a Friend?

Ever Been Jealous of a Friend?

I recently read a thread on twitter where the conversation centred around being jealous about your friends and then it got me thinking.

I’m not sure if I have ever been jealous about any friend, what they have or where they are in their lives in terms of growth and progress.

Although, One incident that comes to mind easily was early this year, I was scrolling through instagram and then I saw a post from a friend online about a particular life update.

And it just got me thinking about when I will be able to celebrate such life update.

It wasn’t like I was jealous or wished that I was in her shoes, Not at all. I just wondered when I will be able to share those kind of news with friends and family. And the very thought of not knowing when it will happen, scared the shit out of me.

The next couple of days were blurry and depressing for me.

Truthfully, this friend of mine didn’t do anything wrong when she shared the exciting news of what was going on in her life. The problem started for me when I decided to compare my journey with hers.

One of the dangers of comparing our lives with others is that it most times leads to unhappiness.

Jealousy breeds a lot of ugly things so its always best to put it at check.

How to nip jealousy in a bud when it comes up:-

  1. Talk to God about it – One of the ways I handled the way I was feeling when I was feeling like most of my friends were already experiencing things i wanted to do, I talked to God about it.
  2. Talk to your friends about it – Open up to someone about it. Talking to someone can really be helpful as it helps to put things in perspective.
  3. Pray for them – Personally, I think this is one of the most important things that has helped me. Praying for the people you’re feeling jealoused over really helps. It takes away the feeling of jealousy even as you invest your time into praying over every area of their lives. It’s hard to be jealous over someone you’re genuinely praying for.
  4. Support them – Show up for them. Let them know they will always have you in their corner.

It’s hard to be jealous over someone you’re genuinely praying for.

PS:- Don’t forget to check out my other post ‘For the love of Kobe’ here.

Remember, Sharing is caring.

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4 years ago

I personally think it’s a norm. We compare growth, doesn’t necessarily mean we’re jealous. I’ve been in a situation where I know something isn’t right for me, but wished I had it just because someone else does. Valuing one’s progress is the ultimate.


[…] Don’t forget to check out my other post ‘For the love of Kobe’ here and the latest episode on my podcast where I also talk about the same topic […]

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