Don’t Burn Out In The New Year

Don't Burn Out In The New Year

There’s a bustling that comes with the new year, it’s more of a feeling that can be seen in our steps and gait.

It’s an air of expectation of good things to come. We carry it around hopefully using it as a shield for whatever bad energy the year might bring, letting it serve as a counter attack.

For most of the time, when the challenges of the year begins to hit, a lot of people begin to lose this sensation, this feeling that the new year will be awesome and that they can surmount whatever the year throws at them.

Don't Burn Out In The New Year

Gradually, the expectation that this particular year will be different than the last begins to wear thin and even though not intentional, they gradually succumb to the pressure, pushing forward whatever hope they have left into the coming year.

While there are others who fight through it all, they hit the ground running and on days when it becomes too much to bear they remember to rest, rejuvenate and pick up the fight the next day.

These one have made up their mind not to give in to the lethargy that comes as the years goes by.

At the end of the day, No matter how the previous year must have been, decide not to burn out, find a way to carry the expectations you had at the start of the year and find a way to make it become real.

Most importantly, find a way to live victoriously all through 2020.

Welcome to 2020. 💥💥💥

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[…] Don’t forget to check out my post on not burning out this year here. […]

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