Book Review – The Incident

” What do you do when the very thing you love about life lets hell loose on you? How could you decide against it, knowing this would leave your world empty and deprive the world of the awesomeness it deserves. Knowing you only live once, how could you not live on the edge?”

I followed the life of Tise, a young and beautiful girl as she explored her relationship with her mum, her love for modelling and her near death experience. I found the story captivating even as I read, it took me on a journey and I couldn’t wait to see how the story unfolded even as I flipped through the pages.

The book talks about the strained relationship between Tise and her mum and how no matter how much Tise strived to please her mum, she never seemed to do enough.

I particularly enjoyed  Chichi’s character who happened to be Tise’s best friend. I loved the relationship she had with Tise. I also liked how a couple of the Nigerian culture and language was infused in the book. Tise’s mum would definitely pass for the statement – ”Not all heroes wear capes,” but this wasn’t revealed till the book’s end.

I would recommend this book written by “Moyinoluwa Ezekiel” because apart from the fact that it explored the relationship between the Mother and the girl child. It also addressed other topics that are not freely discussed in the Nigerian society, topics like depression and suicide.

Do not hesitate to immerse yourself in a world of culture, language and human relationship. Get your book copy at and

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Adeteju Adeniran
6 years ago

Wow! Your sister, I guess writing runs in your family. Good one.

6 years ago

Thank you dear.

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