Trusting Your Love Life To the Ones Who Love You 2

It has been six months since I decided to be with Debo. The time is 10PM on a Saturday evening and we have just gotten back from dancing. A dancing studio has just opened on the island and was receiving a lot of buzzes, Debo had suggested that we check it out, this studio was not the usual kind that we are used to here in Nigeria. They are the kind you see in movies like “Dirty Dancing” and that was just one of the many things I liked about him, the very fact that he was open to exploring new things; I mean, who dances ‘dirty dancing’ anyway, perhaps we who frequents the dance studio. We talked a bit and then he left but not before we shared a kiss, the kind that makes every organ in your body scream.
Six months back –
For reasons I can’t even explain, I have been pushing forward my date with Debo but that didn’t stop our conversation. I called his voice “My Soothing relief”‘. There was a way his words calmed me even when I was not pissed with him, his words wrapped around me like a cloak shielding me from anything that could harm me. On one of those occasions, while we spoke, he chipped it in again, “I really want to see you” please, he begged. I wanted to see him too at this time, I mean who was I kidding, so I gleefully accepted and then it was a date.
I wore the short shift lemon dress that Allen got for me and paired it up with my favourite sneakers, brought out my fro to play and then ordered an Uber. The ride to the restaurant was long and quiet, my uber driver tried to steer up some conversation with me but I was not having it – I needed to concentrate on my date. There were certain things I needed to happen on this date and as we drew near the restaurant, I asked the driver to tune the radio to Classic FM and just like that my favourite song came up “Ed Sheeran – Perfect”. I can’t even begin to explain what this song does to me, Anyway, the song calmed my nerves, reminding me that indeed Debo would be all I needed him to be and that there would be no surprises.
Debo was the kind of man viewers of “Greys Anatomy” call “Mc Dreamy” but with black skin that looks like Kofi Siriboe. His hair was cut low and for a brief second, I imagined myself running my hands through his hair. I could tell even as I sat across him that he had just shaved ‘cos his shave was clean and he smelled fresh. He was dashing though not flashy, perfect just for me. His gum where unarguably black but his white teeth shone through bringing out the beauty and when he smiled, the smile revealed a chipped tooth by the side and when I said something cheesy or acted goofy he laughed out loud not acting shy whatsoever. This man was not just about looks but was also brains and he was comfortable to share all of it with me.
Our date was not the candlelight kind of date, although that wouldn’t be bad either. This date was over pizza and some delicious ice cream and I was having the best time of my life. We had been at the restaurant for 3 hours and I was not even ready to leave yet. The conversation was heaven and that was even an understatement, we talked about everything that caught our interest in music, work, travel, money, movies, sex and whatever we desired. Yes! It was that good and there were times when we were quiet between conversations just to take in everything that has been discussed.
If anything, I was glad for the very first time in a long time that I was now staying alone – I didn’t have to rush home because of curfew. I quickly sent a brief thank you to God, adjusted in my seat, took another slice of pizza and paid attention to the rare treasure sitting in front of me as he told me about a colleague of his at work.
If there was anything Debo was not, that was not believing in sharing too much. You know how when two people meet and are trying to get to know each other but still have a way of hoarding information from the other person cos they’re not sure where it will lead too – My Debo was not like that. He was open, there was nothing like sharing too much, he told me things I didn’t even ask about, he was vulnerable with me on the phone and he was vulnerable face to face and for that very simple reason, I loved every bit of him.
He offered to drop me off at home instead of calling for an Uber, he considered the hour too late. The ride home was everything I thought it would be, no awkward nonsense like what we see in the movies. I would like to see you again, of course, I replied, I would also like that too and then before I could say whatever was about to come out from my mouth, he leaned in, kissed me and whispered goodnight.
I sat on my couch that night thinking about the kiss, the kiss was filled with hunger and desire. It was a kiss filled with promise – a kiss that said I can’t wait to do that over and over again. Anyway, the only thing I could think of that night was his lips. OMG! Those lips are the definition of the word soft. It was 11:30 pm when my head eventually hit my pillow, I remember checking the time cos that’s was when I called to make sure he was home.
6:00 am – {Beep on the phone}
                ”You are feisty yet soft
                 You’re one of the most disciplined and stern person’s I have ever met yet kind to all.
                 You think about the needs of others so much I think you forget about yourself.
                 You speak your truth even if your voice shakes
                 You are bold and quiet
                 You’re like the two sides of a coin, everything about you is valuable,
                  When you laugh, I can’t begin to explain everything that comes alive within me.
Yesterday, I said I would like us to see again and I was elated when your response was you would like the same too. I want to experience everything that has to do with knowing you, I want to be that one that person who you get to share every tiny and big aspect of your day with and I just wanted to let you know my mind, should in case I might have left you a missed signal.
      Good morning Ola💓.
I felt giddy after reading the text that morning. People often said you find love in the strangest of places and it was happening for me too. Everything about my life was coming together, I wasn’t just enjoying the love thing, my career and other areas of my life were also blossoming.
Everything about Debo was in sync with everything I stood for, it felt like the stars were aligned for us as I gleefully told Funke over the phone a couple of hours after receiving the text. Funke listened and kept asking me to tell her about the kiss part over and over again while teasing my silly head off.
My discussion with Funke was much more important this afternoon because it was something that had become our thing due to distance. She worked as a Humanitarian, was making plenty of money but had to move around a lot but that didn’t dampen our friendship because we always found a way to make it work… I will send you a text before I board my flight and hopefully, it should stop you from running away from love. I was beginning to grow cold feet amidst the lovey ride.
8:00 PM – There’s so much love in your heart that can’t wait to be shared and received back in return, don’t fight it. Remember that nothing is ever “too good to be true”. If it came into your life, it means you’ve earned it. Simply enjoy it.
Today makes it a year that Debo sent me that text, where he mentions that I’m feisty yet soft… I’m tempted to use the word heaven again to describe the feeling I feel right now but I will let you use your imagination cos its a mixture of many exciting feeling. I close my journal and laugh amidst tears, looking at my finger adorned with one of the most beautiful rings I have ever set my eyes on with an inscription on it just like I have imagined it will be. Debo and I got engaged in Santorini, Greece during the holiday period, our wedding will be happening in May and I can’t wait, even Funke will be taking a break from her humanitarian service to turn up, preparations are in full gear already.
I’m definitely living the love stories you read about in novels and see in movies. Life has definitely been good, trusting my love life to the ones I love was definitely a smart decision that’s if you have friends like “Funke” (If you know what I mean) and with that thought, I got ready for bed and read my love texts. I have a folder for all of them, they are too beautiful not to be treasured.
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Yinka's Muse
Yinka's Muse
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Gloria Ivie
6 years ago

This is making me giddy! I practically lived through every sentence!

Seyi omotunde
6 years ago

Ha! ha! We talked a bit and then he left but not before we shared a kiss, the kind that makes every organ in your body scream. so sweet!

Yomi Moyofola
Yomi Moyofola
6 years ago

Love can be found in places where you least expected. This is a beautiful write up.

6 years ago

Love is indeed found in unexpected places. Cheers to friends like Funke

6 years ago

Thank you all for the kind words. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Cheers

6 years ago

Hmm, Love is sweet oo!

6 years ago

Thank you!!! More stories will definitely come

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