Dear Lover: Finance

Dear Lover,

I saw a screen grab from Instagram the other day on facebook about a follower who requested for money from Bovi, saying he needed it for his baby naming ceremony. I found that very act irresponsible and loved every bit of Bovi’s reply to the young man.

I would share the screen grabs so you can check them out too, but that post got me thinking about our finances and a couple’s home I went to some years back.

And this incident got me thinking, cos I remembered a couple I met a long time ago who had just had a baby and were both living in a room with their 4-year-old child, that view alone has a teenager caused a paradigm shift for me. That incident cemented my decisions on things to consider before and when going into marriage.

The role that finance plays in a relationship and marriage plays cannot be overestimated and as such, I would want us to talk about it now and still leave it open for further discussions even as we progress on our journey.

I know that love is important and one of the core ingredients needed for us to flourish but I also hear that the availability of money makes romance easy. I read somewhere today that when couples can’t provide the basic things they need at that moment, that’s when they start becoming frustrated.

There are a lot of individuals dealing with abject lack, people who have kids that they cannot take care off, Un necessary spending leading to so many debts, wanting to live above their means and so much more and  of course,  I might not be able to point to the real cause of their problems but lack of preparation and planning is definitely one of the many courses.

I have seen where men become vultures when it comes to finances, I have seen people become shadows of who they once were when they experienced lack in an urgent need.

Personally, I feel quite frustrated when I can’t provide for myself an urgent need – and that’s why this talk must be had even as our finances increases.

A couple of people say but you have to start small to get your desired goal, which is true. But that does not mean giving room for idiocy. And that’s why I believe so much in planning. A wise person once said to garner so much wealth or perhaps just enough wealth, the individual must know how to plan, save, invest and priorities.

I believe that you are already doing above cos I am.

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Yinka's Muse
Yinka's Muse
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6 years ago

True piece. Well done dear

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